The Qurbani campaign begins today and continues until the fourth day of Eid Al-Adha, if Allah wills.
The organization will distribute meat and qurbani to orphans and poor and needy families, if Allah wills.
Qurbani prices:
(Qurbani lamb)
Small: 1200kr.
Between: 1500kr.
Large: 1900kr
(Qurbani ko)
Small: 8500kr
Between: SEK 11,000
Large: SEK 13,000
Gaza: 21000kr
Meat package for the needy: SEK 650
Eid clothes: SEK 450
Eid present: SEK 250
* allow your needy siblings in Islam to eat meat during the Eidagatna and receive a great reward from Allah.
For more information:-
Tel 070-00 91 930
Tel 070-03 74 400
Swish 1235421193
Plusgiro 826117-4
Frid För Föräldralösa Barn
Org. nr. 802502-4905